Grant and I eat pizza at least once a week. Grant loves pizza and would ask for it every night for dinner if  I would let him. My Aunt Irene gave me a teflon sheet the last time she visited America for my Cousin’s wedding. The teflon can be used as a liner in the oven to catch drips or to bake on, and I am sure many other uses. This teflon sheet made making a crispy pizza heaven! We use a stone to cook our pizza on because we think it makes it taste better than a cookie sheet. The issue with a stone though is if you put the pizza on it while the stone is cold it takes a long time for it to get hot and the middle of the pizza can still be doughy,but the top could be burning. So you need to heat the stone in the oven, then place your pizza on top.  This is hard though, you need a pizza peel,but then you add either a ton of flour or cornmeal, and I don’t like the bottom of the pizzas to have either on them. They still can stick or fold in half. So, this is the method that we came up with!