For the last few years, we have been having issues with getting our glass shower doors to look clean. My husband and I have been trying everything from straight bleach, vinegar and dish soap, regular shower cleaners, lemon and baking soda, and anything we could find. We use a squeegee after every shower to help with build up, but we just weren’t happy with any of the results. I was recently watching a youtube video, and the lady showed how she used ashes to clean glass shower doors as well as other areas in her house.
I figured it couldn’t hurt. Next time we had a fire outside, we kept and sifted the ashes with a mesh strainer . We needed to redo the silicone in our shower, so we took the whole system apart and decided to try cleaning it with ashes. We were floored with the results. We used the sifted ashes, with water, and a microfiber cloth to clean all of the scum off. There was almost no scrubbing involved. Then I used clean water to clean the area followed by some rubbing alcohol to make sure all of the oils had been removed. After that I dried it with packing paper, but newspaper or a lint free cloth would work really well.
I also decided to use ashes to clean my glass cooktop. I have used a cream cleaner and it works, but has a nasty smell, and just wasn’t cutting it.

Here is what it looked like before, a lot of dirt and grime that just soap and water wouldn’t get off including some burnt on bits.

Here is the after, 90% came off with the ashes, 5% with a scraper tool, and the last 5% with rubbing alcohol to get any extra oils off.
I hope this is helpful as I feel we were very frustrated with no good options for this. Please comment below if you have used ashes to clean anything.