I have been using DIY Gel Nail kits for around a year now, and I still love them just as much as when I bought my first kit. I have gotten a ton better at painting my nails and making them look good then in the very beginning, but that is just how it goes. I still had issues though with my nails breaking or the polish peeling up. I take vitamins, and have strong nails, but the corners would sometimes chips or slightly bend which would cause the polish to come off of the nail. So here is how I found out how to keep that from happening. I’m not a nail professional, I have just found what works for me.
I was told that having a pregnancy pillow can be a life saver when you really start to get bigger. I wanted to have one,but not pay a lot of money for it. I was very interested in this Leahco Snoogle pillow, but I wasn’t a fan of the price. So, when I found one through a local facebook group, I decided to buy it used for $20 than new for $55. I know some people are really against a pillow used, so this part is whatever you prefer. I washed the pillow and the case it came in, but the muslin case was stained even if the pillow wasn’t. So I decided that I wanted a new cover for it. Well the covers range from 30 to 4o dollars. Which I didn’t really want to pay. So, I found this tutorial online,but wasn’t a huge fan of the extra seams that she had to sew on her cover. So, I made my own, and have taken step by step pictures. I hope this helps!
So many great things happened this year to Grant and I. We celebrated two wedding one with my little sister, Raya, and one with Grant’s Cousin Jesse. We celebrated our 6 year anniversary, announced our pregnancy, and got to go to Ohio to see family for Christmas. There are still a few events I’m running late on posting about,but I will catch up in the end. Below are the top 10 viewed posts in 2014.
I love the holiday time especially time with family and all of the yummy food. I don’t enjoy the packing and traveling as much,but in the end it is worth it. Here are some of the things that have been going on lately which have to do with the holidays.
This year Grant and I were invited to Kira and Andrew’s house for Thanksgiving. This was wonderful for us because it is a short drive for us, and Simon and Sarah came up and over from South Carolina to be there too. It was a pretty relaxed time which was wonderful, but I am sorry if some of these pictures are repeats since everyone beat me to posting about Thanksgiving which isn’t hard to do considering it is almost Christmas.
This year we were invited to a pumpkin carving competition at a friends house which we decided to attend. Grant had to work on Halloween late as well as the day before, so we couldn’t attend our church’s Trunk or Treat, but I’m hoping next year we can.