Here is just a fun Friday post of random things going on in our lives.
Before our little one arrives, I wanted to get a few sewing items out of the way so I didn’t have to worry about them later. Also, both of these family members had birthdays before she was due, and I didn’t want them waiting half the year for me to finally get cracking and sew them their stuff. I also had a complete pregnancy brain moment, and forgot to take any pictures of the stuff I made, but both people sent me pictures without me even having to ask which was awesome!
We make homemade pizza on a pretty regular basis because Grant loves pizza, and it is a fast simple dinner. I figured I would do an updated post of how I make my pizza since my last post is pretty old, and I wanted to show a very yummy diary free/Vegan version as well. I made this for my dad who is eating vegan right now, and he really liked it too.
When we had to make a baby registry, one of the things I did is ask my sisters about carriers, wraps,etc. My sister ,Kira, has a Ktan wrap, and I was able to wear my niece in it last year when she was just a few months old. I really like the simplicity of the wrap, and I hope that our little one likes it as well. I also was given a moby wrap and an ergo 360 carrier that I plan to use as well. My biggest issue with the ktan wrap was the cost when we needed so many other things for her that we considered a higher priority. So I decided to try and sew one for myself especially since I knew which size fit me.
Grant and I have been lucky enough to be able to have some of our family visit. Last month, my parents were visiting Kira, Andrew, and Alana, and then wanted to come see us. We happened to be going to Nashville that weekend, so Friday we drove up there and hung out with everyone. Then on Saturday I went and got my hair cut since I like Kim the Korean hair dresser even though I can only understand half of what she says. We stayed through dinner and headed back to Huntsville while my parents spent more time with the Fleshmans.
I was wanting to find a product to use on homemade baby/kid/toddler shoes that is a real sole, but is very thin, flexible, and sewable with a normal sewing machine. The main reason is that after a while, leather moccasins can become worn and slippery so I wanted an option that I could use when traction is needed. After a ton of research online, I finally found the product I was looking for!