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DIY Baby Shower Gift Tutorials

by Jessica

As you can probably see from my recent posts, I have been trying to accumulate an arsenal of baby shower gifts. 🙂 I have been trying to make them in bulk that when a shower comes up, I can just pick out which colors and am good to go. I used to make the burp cloths only,but I felt 3 burp cloths just weren’t enough for one gift. I still have one type of gift I want to try and make for the gifts so I have 3 items per boy or girl gift, but I need to see whether it is worth the work that goes into it.


Here is what I have made so far.


Here are the girl colored burp cloths, I have only made enough for about 6 gifts, but I have enough fronts cut for another 6 or so gifts. I am just waiting for the terry cloth or minky to go on sale so I can finish the other ones I have. Below are the tutorials on how to make these burp cloths.

Tutorial #1

Tutorial #2

Tutorial #3


 Here are the girl head bands that I made. I organized them in sets of 3.

Tutorial HERE!




 Then with some of the extra elastic, I made some random bows that can be pinned anywhere.

Tutorial #1

Tutorial #2


Then here are the boy colors, but the same tutorials apply here.

Tutorial #1

Tutorial #2

Tutorial #3

DSC_4381Here are the bow ties which I made with left over fabric, and you  can see the tutorial below.

Tutorial HERE!


 Then all of the baby boy hats, well technically girls could wear these too. I just didn’t make any girly colored ones, but in the future I might, who knows.

Tutorial HERE!


Here is a random picture of us, since I haven’t been posting many of us. Since we got our new camera, we were able to get one of those remote clickers to take pictures without a dumb timer.

I hope you enjoy these tutorials, and let me know if you have any questions.


DIY Show Off

Read more at http://diyshowoff.com/2013/04/28/that-diy-party-1-2/#XXvy5DCBbBCG4v2i.99

Creative Sewing Blog

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Chelsea August 1, 2013 - 5:57 am

If I don’t have a sewing machine how difficult would it be to sew any of these things by hand???

jrwarfield August 1, 2013 - 7:07 am

the headbands with bows found here https://thesimplehaus.com/2013/04/diy-elastic-headbands-with-bows/ and the bow ties found here https://thesimplehaus.com/2013/04/bow-ties/ would be the easiest because you don’t need to have a sewing machine. The other items would be doable,but would just take a lot of your time.

Vickie February 11, 2015 - 7:23 am

I put these on my Pinterest board -I have made the burp cloths. Thanks so much for the pattern. I would like to tell you that this gets pinned over and over as you must know by now. I go to Pinterest and someone has pinned it the night before without a doubt! It says it has been pinned 456 times!

jrwarfield February 11, 2015 - 7:26 am

I’m so glad you like the pattern. Of all of my gifts I give at baby showers, that is the number one gift that people love and thank me for later.

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