So, this month Grant and I decided to try the Angel Food Ministries. Since we are trying to live on a very limited budget, we decided to participate. For those of you who don’t know what it is, it is an organization that wants to help keep families healthy with a more balanced diet. This organization makes foods more affordable for anyone. They buy in Bulk and non name brand items which they then sell to families frozen. You can order online and you chose a host site, and once a month you go pick it up from there. Grant and I got the regular box, and it is supposed to feed a family of 4 for one week. It costs $30. So it feeds Grant and I for a little bit over2 weeks, but I planned the meals so they will be spread out over a month.
As you can see in the picture above, most of their food comes frozen which makes it easy because you can either use it right away or use it as a base for a month and just add whatever other things you need. I know that some people say it still isn’t as cheap as coupons,but I honestly haven’t been able to find very many meat coupons.
Here is their Menu for the Next Month which I think Grant and I are going to sign up for again. We think it is really cool especially for the price. Also, one could also pay with food stamps if they needed.
If your interested, or for more information go to:
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Angel Food Ministries coupon codes are out for October. The coupon codes for online use only are SIG10OCT and OCTSP110. The SIG10OCT coupon gives 10% off a "signature box" of Angel Food. The OCTSP110 coupon gives 10% the Special Meat Box #1. These online coupons are good till October 31st, and can only be valid for the first 2000 orders. Hope this helps!!