Fajitas is a dish that never grows old – I always love eating it. Here is one of the fajita marinades that we both really like. I think it would be better with beef, but normally because of the price we stick with chicken. Also, if you have a grill this will probably make it sooo much better tasting,but since we don’t have one we make due.
Right after our vacation to the beach, I had a huge list of things to do like organizing, finding the last minute items to wear since there were so many events to attend at the wedding. I also wanted to put together a baby shower gift for my new nephew and sister in law. I knew I wouldn’t be able to attend her baby shower since it was so close to the time of the wedding. I normally don’t make gifts for second babies, it isn’t that I love them less, it is just wayyyyyy too expensive to give that many gifts to people, and I have heard with the second baby there aren’t many things you still need. Anyway, here is the last gift I sewed up for my sister in law.
I was getting tired of the current routers I had and also the lack of firewall.  Looking around for a good stable solution, I found a Supermicro Atom D525 1U Rackmount Server, SYS-5015A-EHF-D525 on ebay.
One of my favorite snacks recently has been Larabars, they are very simple with no added preservatives or sweeteners and taste really good. They are pretty pricey to buy at around$1.15+ a bar unless you can find a good deal. I normally just make my own, so below is how I do it.