After my last Hair bow headband tutorial, which can be found HERE, I had some left over bows. I decided that I would make them into pin-able bows that I can give as part of a baby shower gift as well.
After my last Hair bow headband tutorial, which can be found HERE, I had some left over bows. I decided that I would make them into pin-able bows that I can give as part of a baby shower gift as well.
So I understand that this post might seem kinda “Duh” to most people,but when Grant and I first started eating Keto we realized that the way we normally drank coffee wasn’t really gonna cut it with Keto. I had searched online for a good post with ingredients and ratios and didn’t find any that I liked the taste of. We were making full blown lattes before starting our diet. I used to work at Panera and enjoy the process. So, I would steam milk and add in Torani syrup and coffee. It tasted great, when we didn’t do lattes we would drink coffee with the store bought creamers. For a while I was trying to make my own creamers,but none tasted as good as the store bought stuff. So, for hot or iced coffee, we use the recipe below.
We did a before and after post right after we moved into our Condo that we are renting,but for some reason we never showed off our storage room or what Sarah called our Garage. It was a balcony that has been inclosed,but not heated or cooled so it is always 10 degrees hotter or colder than our condo. It isn’t too extreme to be bad for the things we are storing in there, and it is a wonderful area to have to store all of our random things. We have a lot of empty bins, my sewing stuff, camping things, bikes, etc.
After much digging in the fridge and online searching, I decided to try my hand at a new type of omelet, and it was super delicious. The one good thing to say about the Keto diet is it helps me try new recipes more so than I used to. I mean I rarely made the same dishes repeatedly unless Grant wanted them,but I just had a larger arsenal of great recipes that I am trying to build now for us. We are still enjoying this diet and have noticed that both of our skin is much clearer as in hardly any acne which is wonderful!
So for the last few months since we have moved to Huntsville, I have been cutting Grant’s hair. I am not perfect at it since I am not a hair stylist or trained at all, but every hair cut is getting better and better looking. It is also taking less time, still a LONG time,but not as long as the first few times. We do this to save money, and Grant is also very picky so we work through the hair cuts together. Well, this time it was my turn!
I am always trying to find good things to add to my baby shower gifts. There are a lot of different baby things you can make,but some people don’t use, they take way too much time to be worth it, or they are to expensive where you might as well have just bought something. I enjoy making the burp cloths, but just giving three burp cloths doesn’t seem like a good enough baby shower gift. So, I found a super simple way of making cute headbands for girl gifts at least. They are VERY affordable and have two different ways you can make them either with a sewing machine or a hot glue gun. I would say they are also super easy to make and do take a little bit of time. It took me around an hours or two to make 65 headbands.