Home TutorialsSewing/CraftingApparel What I have been Sewing Lately

What I have been Sewing Lately

by Jessica

I really enjoy sewing randomly, but sometimes it is a pain. Mainly because I constantly have to take down  or set up sewing machine, serger, ironing board, iron,etc. First world problems I know; Grant is so patient with how messy it gets when I sew because threads and needles end up everywhere. I have been trying to organize our clothing and one of the things we did is take a bunch of our t shirts that we never wear and put them into a bin where I plan to practice certain sewing to get the hang of it. So, if I mess up, I am not wasting purchased fabric which is expensive.

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I followed THIS video tutorial with free pattern & Instructions HERE to make this shirt; I figured just because we don’t wear them doesn’t mean future kids can’t. So this is a size 4 version of the shirt that used to be Grants.

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Here is another shirt, this was an XL that neither of us wore, so I made it into a small shirt, and it is just so cute.

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I was also running out of burp cloths, so I made another 60 to replenish my dwindling supply for baby shower gifts. Tutorial seen HERE & HERE.

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I also found some cute fabric at JoAnn’s and decided to draft a Maxi Skirt for myself.

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Lining up the stripes down the sides took a while, and the band on top is normally folded, but didn’t want to be too risky in the pictures.

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It is more of a tapered, mermaid style maxi which makes walking easier. I recently bought a new pattern, and some fabric for a new type of item I might give at baby showers, but we will see if I can pull it off first. Scary!

Have you made anything fun recently? Here is my favorite place to buy Knit Fabric online.


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chris February 8, 2014 - 9:35 pm

Loved your burp cloths, great idea. I have a sewing question, if you could please help me with it. Bought a skirt pattern very simple gored. Haven’t sewn clothes in ages and was wondering if I have to go by the waist size on the pattern or my normal size on a skirt. There is a huge size range from my store bought size to pattern size. Thanks so much

jrwarfield February 10, 2014 - 10:19 am

I would measure the waist on a finished skirt that you like because I think the pattern’s measurements are the finished sizes and how they fit rather than the size of your waist. They normally add in extra material for seam allowance,etc. Hope this helps, thanks for reading the blog!


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