Home Blog 4th of July

4th of July

by Jessica

So, I have shared everything we have done every weekend except the last weekend in June. This was our first weekend in the whole month not packing or traveling, so we did nothing, and I mean nothing. It was amazing. I literally think we watched at least 2 movies(the first 2 Bourne movies because we had watched the Bourne Legacy the last time at Kira and Andrew’s) and all of the shows that we hadn’t caught up on like So You Think You Can Dance,etc. We also decided that since we had Thursday off it would be cool to spend time with Kira and Andrew again on the 4th.


Grant and I don’t buy pop or energy drinks,but on road trips is the only time we allow for such things. But we still hate paying so much for 1 drink on the road, so this time we thought ahead and got a four pack at Walmart and traveled with a cooler. This is one of our favorite coffee drinks that Andrew introduced us to.

We drove to Nashville on the evening of the 3rd after work.


Grant and I both had a craving for Fish Tacos, and so we offered to make them for Kira and Andrew on the 4th. I know SO American! 🙂


It was SUPER rainy all of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th while we were driving home. Andrew had plans to show us his “pool” that he got in the back yard,but with the rain we never got to try it out. I guess we can always try it once Alana is born. Here you can see Andrew and Grant playing Computer games(I can’t remember which one) together for most of the day.

20130710-092704.jpgKira and I were a little bit more productive, she finished most of her Thank You Cards for her showers, I gave her a gel polish pedicure, and then we tried to find her some curtains for the nursery. We didn’t have much luck,but at least we tried. Later, I got a little bit of reading in as well. It is exciting to see my German reading speed improving slowly but surely.

We watched The Great and Powerful Oz on Wednesday night which was an ok movie, and Pitch Perfect on Thursday night which was our 3rd time watching it and still just as funny. We(andrew) cooked out for dinner, in the rain, but the Burgers and Hot Dogs were still amazing. We had, had plans to see Fire works that night with a few friends of Kira and Andrew from Church,but due to the rain didn’t end up going.

We left early on Friday Morning around the time that Kira and Andrew had to leave for work, and then I had a few hours of work once we got home. It was super weird having a whole weekend then after our visit, but I did a lot of different sewing things. Some turned out great, like Alana’s hoodie, and some I still need to Tweak before I show them off to you.

I hope you had a great 4th of July!

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