Home Blog Boom…goes the dynamite!!!11one

Boom…goes the dynamite!!!11one

by Jessica

So this blog post is mainly to explain that Grant and I will be moving to Huntsville, AL before this month is over.

This whole process hasn’t been as fast as it seems to other people but nonetheless still fast. Grant and I were not applying for jobs or really looking at all when our friend, Andrew who is Grant’s old roommate too, contacted us about an opening. Grant really wasn’t in the mood to apply because of how busy he was with work during that week. So, I updated his resume with his current company and sent it to him so he could email it to our contact. We were honestly not expecting anything to come from this,but we really appreciated Andrew thinking of us.

Soon after that Grant got a phone call from our contact who wanted to talk to him I guess to make sure he wasn’t completely crazy. Two days after that he had an official phone interview which was then followed by them wanting to fly him out to Huntsville, AL for an in person interview. Around this stage,we were thinking there might  a chance but not really because companies have such different ways with their interviews. Grant got a small view of Huntsville which was nice for him and of course a small idea of what he might be doing but needless to say very excited about this. After the in person interview, we had correspondence with HR because we had to officially apply to their posting in order to move forward.

A week later we received and offer,but it was contigent about getting a security clearance. We were not sure if we would pass this because they look at you, extended family,etc. I am a dual citizen, Grant’s dad is married to a Canadian and the list goes on. So we had to wait 2 and a half weeks after having filled TONS OF PAPERWORK, fingerprints, and a drug test  to see whether we passed.

We found out he got the interim clearance on Tuesday of this week at 10am. We are still filling out paperwork, but it isn’t as much as before. So Tuesday, we gave our 2 weeks at our jobs which was really hard and sad since we both really like where we currently work. Grant’s company was very sad that he was leaving since they were trying to promote him already even though their policy is you cannot get a promotion until you have been working there until one year. Of course my job was super sad and all of the minsters were making jokes about my boss crying all day when he found out. Both of our families were very surprised because we weren’t really looking, and we didn’t want to say anything until we had this for sure.

Anyway, we are leaving Austin next weekend and are packing like crazy, so it might be a little quiet on the blog for a week or so. We are super excited but just trying to stay sane. We are so blessed because all of this has just fallen into place. The lease at our current apartment just ended so we don’t have to break our lease, but we do have to pay two months of which we will only be there 15 days,but thus is life some times. We will have to switch cell phone carriers because AT&T doesn’t have good coverage, and we are trying to secure a place to live as I write this. So please pray that we can get everything packed and moved as fast as possible since Grant and I both work during the day for these two weeks.  Also, please pray for safe travels when we are actually moving.

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Nboehrig October 5, 2012 - 1:25 am

Yeah! Congrats guys! Sounds like God’s got quite the adventure for you guys. Can you please acquire an awesome AL drawl? 🙂 prayers for your transition, travels, house and such!

Simon October 5, 2012 - 4:39 am

First of all, congratulations to you two! I’m excited for the job opportunity and don’t mind having you living a lot closer to us.



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