
by Jessica

It is now 9:43am, and we have gotten Grant another flight! He is flying out tomorrow at 5:50am, lets hope this flight isn’t cancelled. He is flying from Austin to Houston to Little Rock, kinda dumb, but is seems that the bottle neck is Dallas.

It is 7am right now, and it has already been a long day! Grant got a call this morning at 4:07 telling us that his flight was canceled. So, we got a refund, and we are frantically trying to get him a flight either later today or tomorrow because we don’t want to loose the money that we put down on the Penske truck. So, lets hope that we can find him a good flight not through Southwest because they fly through Dallas, and that wasn’t working. We will give you more of an update later when we actually know what is going on.

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Sandi Roznovsky February 15, 2010 - 2:19 pm

I think I missed something – where is Grant going? Job Interview? What? Did he make it out finally?

How are things?

Love Ya,

Jessica Warfield February 15, 2010 - 6:30 pm

He was flying to searcy Arkansas to get our stuff, and yes he made it out and back safley. We are all moved in, but nothing is unpacked yet.

Jessica Warfield

Sandi February 15, 2010 - 8:26 pm

I’m glad you have all your stuff now, and don’t you worry about those boxes. I still several in our basement that are just waiting on me to get them sorted out. LOL!



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