I really enjoy sewing randomly, but sometimes it is a pain. Mainly because I constantly have to take down  or set up sewing machine, serger, ironing board, iron,etc. First world problems I know; Grant is so patient with how messy it gets when I sew because threads and needles end up everywhere. I have been trying to organize our clothing and one of the things we did is take a bunch of our t shirts that we never wear and put them into a bin where I plan to practice certain sewing to get the hang of it. So, if I mess up, I am not wasting purchased fabric which is expensive.
So as you know we currently rent our condo, it is an older condo which means more room but less efficient. This winter was a LOT colder than last year for sure, which meant that even if our heater was going all the time and using the really expensive auxiliary heating coils, it wouldn’t get above 66 in our place. Which can be frustrating when we still pay a lot in utilities,but that is something that you just have to come to terms with when renting. One day we look forward to having a house, just so that if there is something wrong with insulations, windows, doors, heaters, etc. we can actually get those things fixed and changed over time.
Huntsville is one of the few Southern States that has a City Hockey Team as well as a College Hockey Team. We were invited by a couple in our Church to attend a College Hockey Game with them. They had seats right against the “glass” which was very awesome and exciting. We only took pictures with our phones,but here they are.
Sorry about the silence lately, we have been having issues with our blog host, and poor Grant has spent hours with “live chat” customer support, and anyone else he can get a hold of. Eventually I think we have it figured out,but wish it hadn’t been such a hassle for him. Oh well. Starting in January, I have been trying to do a better job of not wasting food, not going grocery shopping more than 2 times a week, and having an actual meal plan. It is very easy to make a meal plan,but it actually takes you sitting on your butt, writing it out, and shopping for those ingredients. Even though I have been doing a weekly meal plan, we haven’t eating these things each time, but I figured why not share them since I am already doing all this work.