Home Blog Friday Randoms

Friday Randoms

by Jessica

Since moving into our house, we have worked on a lot of random things here and there. I feel like we are playing musical rooms. We will get something done in one room, and then move everything to another so that we have room to do another said project, but that is just how it goes sometimes.  My cousin and his wife were able to work on some home improvements before moving into their house, and I’m sure that was super nice,but just not an option for us.


Right after moving into our house we changed all of the exterior locks and deadbolts.


We were only given two keys at closing, and heard that certain workers who had done repairs on the house might have had copies, so we figured it was smartest to just change them all from the very beginning. We plan to update the hardware in the rest of the house, but have been working on other stuff. So maybe that is something we can do even after little miss thang arrives since changing out door knobs is on the easier side.


I cut Grant’s hair, and he thought it would be funny to draw on my shirt and use his hair for this picture… it is times like these when I wonder if we are truly adult enough to have a kid. ;p Now the face is still on my main painting shirt so Grant just sits there and laughs at me whenever I wear it, which is a lot lately.


We bought our crib right after buying the house,but we had to set it up to make sure there weren’t any defects before our time frame for exchange was gone. Then we got to take it apart and move it to another room since we are working on the baby room right now.


We have been buying a few items on craigslist whenever there is an actual good deal for the baby. I know we still have one more baby shower coming up,but I don’t see any of those bigger items being given to us then so we figured used was the way to go since she won’t care.

Boy do we love living in our own home. It is so nice not having to worry about bugging people when you are up late or early, having appliances that actually work even if they don’t match each other, getting to fix things rather than let a landlord know only for it never to get fixed,etc. I could go on and on,but we do feel really blessed and happy to be in our own home. It is kind of terrifying how many things are filling up our calendar in the upcoming months. I just hope we can get it all done before she arrives.

We are SO close to being done with our kitchen. All of the painting has been done for about a week now,but we have been waiting on our hinges to arrive which just came yesterday, and then we need to order or buy all our drawer pulls and knobs. Some things we can buy locally,but others are so much cheaper online so it has been slowly everything down on that aspect. Grant and I are both hoping we can get the major things on our list complete before the baby so that we don’t have any huge looming projects. I’m sure we will always have things we would like to get done,but just have the high priority ones done.

Well I’m off to my gyno appointment, and I hope they can make me feel better. I have been feeling under the weather this whole week, and I thought it was just pregnancy symptoms. But the last few days, everything has gotten a lot worse so we will see what the OBGYN says.

Have a great FRIDAY and weekend!

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1 comment

Ashley Servis March 13, 2015 - 3:23 pm

I think changing the locks was probably a good idea in my opinion. It sounds like you are starting to really get baby items and getting the move and renovations underway! So exciting. I cannot wait to see what the nursery looks like.


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