
by Jessica

On the weekend we were in Nashville for Alana’s Baby dedication, Kira and I went to Goodwill to try and make a costume for Alana. Kira had found THIS blog post where she explained that people put such cute costumes on small babies only to not see the outfit because they are in their stroller or carrier. The method is you get a stuffed animal that looks clean that is the size of your baby, and cut the head off, remove a lot of the stuffing, and fit the “body” to your carrier. Then add a hat into the head so the baby can wear that portion.

DSC_8896We found two cute stuffed animals for $.50 cents a piece and here are the gorey pictures of getting it ready to see if it would work.

DSC_8898We took the head off and pulled out the stuffing, and then I closed the opening with pins.

DSC_8903Alana LOVED trying on her new hat.

DSC_8905How it looked, we also found a cute purple bunny that Alana also wore. This was such a cheap and genius idea that Kira found.

photsfgho 5We didn’t really do much for Halloween other than my Harry Potter Pumpkin. Last year there were no kids in our neighborhood, and we were unpacking so we didn’t hand out candy. This year we had two families with kids move in so, I bought candy and got ready to pass some out. It poured in Huntsville, so not a single kid came to our place, talk about rejection, so we went out for dinner at Rosie’s a good Tex Mex place here.

Since getting back from our vacation Grant has been working CRAZY long hours because work deadlines are fast approaching. Our church hosted a trunk or treat the day before Halloween, but Grant wasn’t home until 9pm that night so it was already over. Now we just have to stop eating all the Halloween candy we have left over.

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Mom (Wow) December 10, 2013 - 10:26 am

I love this idea! Alana looked so cute!

Kira December 13, 2013 - 11:58 am

Alana looks so young in these pictures.

Lord of the Rings Pumpkin | warfieldfamily September 17, 2016 - 9:20 pm

[…] One of the couples in our young married’s group has an annual pumpkin carving contest. We attend to have fun and socialize,but never really try to win since my carving skills aren’t the best. Last year, I did a W pumpkin, and the year before that a Harry Potter Pumpkin. […]


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