Grant thought that it was time for me to confide in other people about my new addiction. I don’t think that he wants me to give it up since it has not shown to be harmful quite yet, but we will see. Tanya showed me this blog, listed below where this amazing lady writes out all of the deals in most major grocery and drug stores in the USA. She tells you the deals, the coupons to use, and how to completely understand each of the stores and how they function. It is soo much fun getting good deals, but it can also be very addicting. When you get something for $0.20 cents, it makes you want to buy it even though you don’t need a certain hand cream, etc. I have been trying very hard to not buy things that we don’t NEED unless we are getting them 100% free because otherwise we are still spending more money than we would have without the coupons.

Here you can see a whole group of items that I was able to get for free, some samples, some deals, some coupons, and some I could only have gotten with the help of this blog.
One of the best things about the blog that I use is there are sooooo many free samples to keep up with that for the picture above, I couldn’t even keep up with all of the things that I have gotten for free! Here you can see free luggage tags that I got from KLM Airlines. I got one for me and one for Grant which was a fun thing to get in the mail.

Here you can see all of these items I got and only spent $1.32 which definitely shows how much you can buy for a dollar. Clipping and using coupons takes a lot of time,but since Grant and I are on a limited budget, it really helps us out. It lets us afford things that we don’t always need, and it lets us have some luxuries like some name brand items and some snack food that we would normally not be able to afford. We have even stopped doing the Angel Food Ministries because we are saving more money with the coupons. We still think that it is a great ministry, and is very good for people who cannot make the time to save money otherwise, but it just hasn’t been the right thing for us since I have come to enjoy couponing.
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Check out Coupons 4 Mom's blog too. It's not just for Mom's 🙂
My name is Ashley and I too have a problem…..I LOVE hiptosave and have also been getting into the freebies and coupon deals. So much fun! Thanks for sharing that blog with me!
Just make sure that you have more ice cream than Tanya & Wilson do in their freezer so you can show them up in the ice cream savings. Then I can come over and help you eat it. And theirs too.