Home Blog Random Happenings

Random Happenings

by Jessica

Sometimes things NEVER get blogged about because they are random or failures or just too little information to do its own post about. So, here are random things that have been going on and lots of these things are really old,but still things that happened so what the heck, I will blog about them.

I got a gift card around Christmas and was able to get some nice metal piping tips and reusable bags, a cupcake corer, grant still makes fun of me for this, cupcake liners, and beautiful salt and pepper grinders. With the cupcake corer, Grant walked up and in a sarcastic voice said hey Jess, you should get one of these, puts it back on the shelf and startes to walk away. I mention that I already have one and I think he had to use self control and remind himself I was using a gift card for my purchase ;p


A while back, I won a giveaway with all these Green cleaning supplies. I have been trying to use them all up,but it is taking a while.

I also won a kitchenaid mixer which I was able to sell so that was awesome!

I won these cardboard pantry organizers. I know they won’t last forever,but I got them for free, and I would say they work pretty darn well. Poor Grant, he got to put them together for me.

All set up, and trying to get the pantry ready.

Woot, they might be a little tacky,but they can hold a lot. I would have tried to fit more,but it just didn’t fit.

I also won a diaper bag that was supposedly designed by a man. We don’t love the look and I don’t get the fish,but the thing is riddled with pockets because I guess guys don’t like digging for stuff. So, who knows maybe in a few years we will actually need it.




My lastest obsession has been making bacon in the oven. It is so fast and easy and all you have to clean is one cookie sheet rather than your clothes, all the utensils for flipping, the skillet, and your whole stove area. We found that 400 Degrees Fahrenheit for 10 mins is perfect in our oven. Completely cooked but not crispy.

Maria V. Snyder is an Awesome Author who write great young adult books, and I won a few of her giveaways! If you haven’t read her books and like fantasy, I would give her books a look.  http://www.amazon.com/Maria-V.-Snyder/e/B004MLYMHK/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1



I have had this coat for over 4 years now, and almost all of the buttons were about to fall off so I spent and evening sewing them all back on.

Salads for dinner with all of the toppings is always great!



Grant, Simon, and I would eat this dressing during college, and we still love it!

I can’t say this was a fail,but I made mashed cauliflower. It tasted fine, and the texture was perfect,but we prefer cauliflower the way it is better than mashed. It still had a slightly sweet cauliflower taste to it that made it just ok.

I got a much needed hair cut just to tame the wild beast that was my hair.

Random Queso, always good but probably not good for you.

I won this wall stencil, no we aren’t stenciling a wall at our apartment since we are renting, but I might do some custom art work with it or something.


Here is a close up of the abstract design.

I know this is a random post,but these are some of the cool things that have been going on lately.  I was asked to go on a girl’s trip to South Padre where all I have to pay is gas and food split between the girls going. I haven’t been on a vacation since we got married almost 4 years ago. I am excited about going, and I hope it will be lots of fun. I am though of course sad that I won’t be with Grant for those 3 days,but he has a REALLY busy week coming up Monday so it might be a good thing that I’m not here so he won’t feel guilty about spending so much time at work. I hope you all have a great weekend!

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