Home Blog Christmas 2011

Christmas 2011

by Jessica


This year it was the “Grasham” Christmas, we switch off every year, and next year we will probably be in Ohio. I have to say this was probably the best Christmas that we have had as a group since Grant and I have been married! We really missed Kira and Andrew since they weren’t able to come. Also, we forgot to take a group shot which really stinks. Oh well! My sister Julia got engaged, we ate great food, and had a lot of fun just being with family. Obviously by the time the break was over, we were ready to go home even though we did have a great time.

We were lucky enough to stay with Daniel and Sarina in their new, beautiful House. Sarina has done a great job making it really feel like a home and was such a great host! I know Grant enjoyed the peace and quiet when he was able to leave my parents for the time that we spent there. Anyway, to the picture, here is Sarina making my mother’s Christmas present.

It turned out really well! We got to have some great quality time with them for breakfast and a few of the times after dinners.

Hannah and I even got to bake some Cheesecake while at Daniel and Sarina’s.
  Friday at my parent’s house; Grant’s expression when I told him we would be taking family pictures.

Some of the gang playing burn which is a card game.

My brother, Daniel, bought a power wheels Jeep and fixed it up, put a new battery in it for when Hannah is old enough to use it. Mia, Ally, and Emi were willing to use it to make sure it was in tip top shape for Hannah!

  I know this picture is dark,but I love the smirk on Ally’s face; she was amazing and just enjoyed every mintue of driving.

  Here is me holding Hannah while her cousins were driving her car.

The Jeep even had headlights; it made me almost want to be young enough to drive it.

  We all traded off for meals and Sarina hosted us on Friday before Christmas. Here is Emi playing with Hannah’s toys while everyone else was still outside with the Jeep.

Here is the Tablescape that Sarina put together.

Her beautiful tree, we had almost the same color scheme and ornaments!

 Her fire place as well.

Here is Hannah trying to get into a folding chair, it was a little bit tricky.

 Hannah got to open a gift early because they needed it for all of the little kids to sit at.

Daniel helping them set up the table.

 All of the little cousins, it is crazy to think there is a “kids” table now and I don’t have to sit at it either!

A good picture of simon.

It rained a lot over Christmas, but Emi and I braved the rain so she could swing outside.

Hannah in her new chair… I can’t remember who gave it to her.

Everyone watching Emi open one of her gifts.

Playing with her new toy, I even remember playing with one of those when I was a kid.

Ally opening a gift.

Just a picture of Simon and Sarah.

 My dad trying to distract Hannah from trying to open other’s gifts she caught on to the concept of opening gifts well.

Daniel got a frames Star Wars picture.

Wilson painted the little critter in water color just for fun and was going to toss it. Daniel and Sarina rescued it and had it framed for the girl’s room.

My dad being silly while opening his new Garmin.

Sarah and I had the same wave length on how to wrap our gifts. Not quiet the same,but here is Raya modeling her gifts. The one of the left is from me, and the one on the right is from Sarah.

Here is Sarina opening the gift that we got Hannah. They are hand made silk wings for Hannah to wear when dressing up or playing.

An in Action shot, and a cool bowl that Julia got for my mom.

Here are Julia and Phillip who got engaged.

 My parent’s Christmas tree which Jason decorated.

 Raya, Me, and Tanya.

All of the girls that were at Christmas in Houston except Julia who was spending time with her Man and Kira who couldn’t make it.


Sarah, Emi and I, we tried so hard to get Emi to smile,but this is the best we could do.

A family picture, Simon and Sarah’s first Christmas.

Raya Chilling.

 My Parents.

  Grant and I hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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Ashley January 3, 2012 - 7:55 am

LOL @ the last pic of Grant- he looks thrilled.

jrwarfield January 4, 2012 - 10:39 am

I know right?! There was a better picture of him, I might just meld the two so we have “one” better picture.

Irene Reinhardt January 3, 2012 - 3:30 pm

Thanks for posting so many pictures! Wish we could see all of you more often. We love you!

jrwarfield January 3, 2012 - 7:18 pm

We love you too! I love the Christmas we got to spend with you guys in Germany! Hopefully you can use whatever pictures of Simon & Sarah and print them for yourselves.

Sarah Reinhardt January 4, 2012 - 10:22 am

This is a fun post! you captured the essence of the christmas days well! I’m glad we forced the guys into family pictures. They didn’t turn out half bad!!

jrwarfield January 4, 2012 - 10:38 am

Oh, I totally agree! I wanted family pictures, Grant didn’t. But a little bit of tlc with photoshop, and these could be great!


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