Home Blog Meat!!


by Jessica

I have been trying to coupon and find good deals to make it possible to hit our food budget. It is awesome being able to score good deals especially when I don’t have to mess with Store Bucks and other rewards that are designed to make you think you are saving money. When in reality they put a lot of restrictions hoping that you forget to spend them, or can’t when you want to; so, in essence trying to rip you off . So, there is a store here called Fiesta, a lot of people don’t like shopping there because it isn’t always the cleanest, and you need to know how to tell produce is fresh before you buy there.

Anyway, they had  a great deal on beef where we were paying $0.99 cents a lb. of beef which is very very good…. Needless to say we stocked up.

This turned out to be around 15-16 lbs. of meat, but according to Grant you can never have too much meat.

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Simon June 2, 2010 - 8:16 am

What do you mean “according to Grant”? It’s a known fact. You really can’t have too much meat.

gswarfield June 4, 2010 - 3:37 am

Thank you. I applaud you


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