This is part of the management area.
Another view, of the interior design part… to the left is an island conference table that we use a lot for different activities.
This is part of the interior design area, you can see the wall of binders from different companies that we need for specifying certain products.
A different biew of my cubicle, I am also lucky that most of our main wall is a window, and sunlight is just such a blessing.
My name tag… WEIRD!
This is my Cubicle that I have in the Interior Design area. I try to keep it clean, but I won’t be there forever, so there is no point in bringing in loads of stuff from home.
Another view of where the architects are; you can see how there are nice windows surrounding most of this firm.
This is part of the first floor where the architects are located! It has more of a loft look with cement flooring and open ceiling cavities.
During Finals week, it became really cold and we got lots of freezing rain! They had to reschedule some finals since Arkansas cannot truly deal with this much ice. Here you can see our balcony.

We were kind of nervous about our car being parked so close to the street since most drivers don’t know that they are doing. It is so crazy how you can see the 1/4 to 1 inch thick ice that covered everything!
I graduated college from the University of Central Arkansas with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Interior Design on December 13th with Suma Cum Laude! Some of my family came into town, and the Roberstons were kind enough to house them since Grant and my apartment was too small to fit more than Grant and I. Grant also graduated, but he was done officially on the 20th, but he decided not to walk.
Me getting ready for graduation.
Raya getting ready as well.
Everyone walking to the building on UCA’s campus… I was already in line.
The whole area which is in the Farris Building.