I don’t know if you noticed, but we were finally able to get a new domain name!!! When we first got a blog, all of the normal ones like thewarfields.com or thesimplehaus.com or thethesimplehaus.com were all taken, so warfieldninjas.com was the funniest we could find. Well yesterday, I was looking at my Sister in Law Sarina’s blog and noticed that she had gotten grashamfamily name.  We were excited for them. Grant and I were randomly talking about how sad it was that we hadn’t gotten thesimplehaus.com, and he decided to look it up. Domain names are bought for a certain amount of time, if you decide not to renew, then they are open to people to buy. The one we wanted was available! So, we snatched it right up and are excited! It is sad that we do own a lot of domain names just encase we need or want to use them for something later. If you go to warfieldninjas.com, it will just redirect it to the new domain name. So, if you read our blog, you don’t really need to change anything like bookmarks or google reader feeds; it was just something we were excited about! Hope your week after the Holidays isn’t too ruff. We are having a hard time regulating our sleeping schedules… sounds like we should have kids to say that,but we just keep staying up late and getting up early. I hope this weekend will help!

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Congrats on the new domain! The Campbell name is all taken up as well. I got so frustrated trying to get an email address that when .me came out I got justemail.me. I thought it would be cool, but it turns out it’s really hard to tell people when they ask for your email address. =P
Yeah, Grant and I use other in box for “junk or newsletters” and it is a pain to have to tell a different email address from gmail or yahoo,etc.